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Department of Computer Application & Information Technology

  1. Year of Establishment : 2008
  2. Courses/Programmes offered : BCA And BSc.IT
  3. Subjects Combinations : Computer Application/Information Technology and any Two(Physics + Mathematics / Principles of Economics + Business Organization).
  4. Head of the department : Mrs. Jayanti Kumari
  5. Number of Teachers : 07
  6. Publications : 04 Research Papers in Books/Journals.


The BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) and BSc IT (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology) departments are part of the academic programs offered by Ranchi University. These courses aim to equip students with a strong foundation in computer science and information technology, preparing them for careers in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

The BCA/BSc IT program typically covers subjects such as programming languages, C, C++, Data structures, Java, Android APP, Cloud Computing, Networking, Operating System, Computer Fundamental, database management systems, VB.Net, Python, web development, MATLAB, Discreate Structure, Numerical Method, Theory of Computation, Computer Graphics with Flash, Artificial Intelligence, Information Security & Software engineering. Students gain practical skills through hands-on projects and assignments, as well as internships or industry training.

One of the unique selling points (USP) of the BCA/BSc IT departments is their focus on providing a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical application. Faculty members, with their vast experience in academia and industry, bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom. They guide students through the latest trends and advancements in technology, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The BCA/BSc IT departments have a strong track record of student accomplishments in various fields. Graduates have excelled in software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, web design, and IT consulting, among others. Many students have secured prestigious internships and job placements in leading tech companies. Additionally, some students have ventured into entrepreneurship, starting their own successful tech ventures.

Overall, the BCA/BSc IT departments provide a dynamic learning environment, empowering students to thrive in the ever-evolving world of information technology.

Course Plan

C1:Programming Fundamental using C/C++    VIEW

C5(BCA)/C3(BSc-IT):Data Structure with C   

C12(BCA)/C8(Bsc-IT):Thoery of Computation  

C13:Artificial Itenlligence