How can organizations effectively overcome internal conflicts and foster a harmonious environment? - Jigyasa | YSM Ranchi

  • Mr. Hemant Kaushik   Answered
  • Internal issues often plague organizations, fostering a culture of mistrust and hindering progress. However, renowned author Stephen R. Covey, in his influential books "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness," highlights the potential solutions. By focusing on the Circle of Influence as explained by Covey, managers can foster trust & collaboration, and ultimately achieve long-term success. Let us explore this concept through the lens of my captivating poem "Inner Battle Triumph." 

    Inner Battle Triumph: Arjuna's Journey

    Arjuna, in the battlefield of life,

    With enemies within, causing strife.

    Ego, desire, habit, and greed's snare,

    To conquer them, he must boldly dare.


    Krishna, as his charioteer,

    Arjuna chooses, without fear.

    "Lead me in this battle combat,

    For my inner enemies have readied their act."


    "Before you, they stand, my revered lord,

    I'm not alone, with you as my sword.

    With your wisdom, I shall rise,

    Embrace self-realization and reach the skies."


    With Krishna as his guide and eternal friend,

    Arjuna fights until the end.

    Triumphant over his inner foes' might,

    He transcends the darkness, shining bright.


    As the sun sets upon the blood-stained ground,

    Arjuna stands firm, with victory crowned.

    The enemies within, now vanquished and still,

    The radiance of truth his being does fill.


    Through the trials of life's relentless tests,

    Arjuna's spirit, steadfast and blessed.

    Conquering inner battles, forever he grows,

    Ignited by Krishna's grace, his spirit glows.


    Circle of Influence: A Solution for Organizations

    Just as Arjuna triumphed over his inner battles, organizations can conquer their internal issues by embracing the Circle of Influence and bringing about positive changes. Managers must foster a culture of trust and collaboration, forging strong bonds with team members and stakeholders. 

    The Circle of Influence represents the realm where we hold the reins - where our actions, decisions, and attitudes can truly make a difference. Within this sphere lies the power to directly influence outcomes, empowering us to enact positive change. By channeling our energy towards our Circle of Influence, we unlock the potential to shape our own lives, create impact in our immediate surroundings, and gradually expand our sphere of influence.

    This entails dedicating our attention to personal growth, nurturing harmonious relationships, persistently pursuing our goals, and wholeheartedly contributing to our work or community. Instead of expending precious resources on concerns beyond our grasp, such as global events, national politics, or the whims of others, we consciously choose to invest our efforts in areas where we have the capacity to make a tangible impact.

    Through this intentional investment in our Circle of Influence, we not only transform our own lives but also inspire others to do the same. As we expand our influence and realize the positive outcomes we can generate, we become agents of progress, contributing to a world where individuals can empower themselves and make a meaningful difference in their spheres of influence.

    United Team: Evolving Harmony:

    The power of the Circle of Influence is exemplified through Arjuna's journey, where he conquers his inner battles with Krishna's guidance. Let us learn from Arjuna's triumph and focus energy on areas where we have control to foster positive change. 

    Amidst battles fought within, we stand tall,

    Conquering ego, desires, and habits that enthrall.

    Let ego fade, and collaboration ignite,

    For in unity, we reach greater heights.


    With unwavering determination, like Arjuna in the fray, 

    We persistently pursue our goals, come what may. 

    Wholeheartedly contributing, as one, a formidable sight, 

    Together we forge pathways, igniting success with might.


    No discord or strife shall hinder our state,

    But love and understanding will always dominate.

    No challenge too great, no obstacle too tall,

    For united we stand, we conquer them all.


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