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Grievance Redressal Policy - YSM

Discipline, Grievance Redressal, and Ragging Prevention

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at or

Proctorial Board




Anti-Ragging Committee (ARC)


Every institution shall constitute a Committee to be known as the Anti-Ragging Committee to be nominated and headed by the Head of the institution, and consisting of representatives of civil and police administration, local media, Non-Government Organizations involved in youth activities, representatives of faculty members, representatives of parents, representatives of students belonging to the freshers' category as well as senior students, non-teaching staff; and shall have a diverse mix of membership in terms of levels as well as gender.

It shall be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Committee to ensure compliance with the provisions of these Regulations as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging; and also to monitor and oversee the performance of the Anti-Ragging Squad in the prevention of ragging in the institution.


The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and the nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.

The Anti-Ragging Committee or its Enquiry Sub Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, recommend to the Principal, the award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishments, namely;

  1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  2. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
  3. Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
  4. Withholding results.
  5. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
  6. Suspension/expulsion from the hostel.
  7. Cancellation of admission.
  8. Rustication from the institution for a period ranging from one to four semesters.
  9. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.
  10. Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment.

An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie, in case of an order of the College Principal, with the Governing Body Management Council (GBMC).

Ragging may also be reported by mail/on the website; / / YSM website ICC page. These will be treated as confidential.

Guidelines for Functioning of Anti-Ragging Squads (ARS)


As per UGC regulations, every institution shall constitute a smaller body to be known as the Anti-Ragging Squad to be nominated by the Head of the Institution with such representation as may be considered necessary for maintaining vigil, oversight, and patrolling functions and shall remain mobile, alert, and active at all times. Provided that the Anti-Ragging Squad shall have representation of various members of the campus community and shall have no outside representation.

It shall be the duty of the YSM Anti-Ragging Squad to make surprise raids on places vulnerable to incidents of, and having the potential of, ragging and shall be empowered to inspect such places.

It shall also be the duty of the Anti-Ragging Squad to conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any incident of ragging referred to it by the Head of the institution/Proctorial Board or any member of the faculty or any member of the staff or any student or any parent or guardian or any employee of a service provider or by any other person, as the case may be; and the enquiry report along with recommendations shall be submitted to the Anti-Ragging Committee for action under clause (a) of UGC Regulation 9.1.

Provided that the Anti-Ragging Squad shall conduct such an enquiry observing a fair and transparent procedure and the principles of natural justice and after giving adequate opportunity to the student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts, documents, and views concerning the incident of ragging, and considering such other relevant information as may be required.


Ragging may also be reported by mail/on website; / / YSM website ICC page. These will be treated as confidential.

UGC Anti Ragging Help Line: 1800 180 5522 and Email: