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ICC - Prevention of Sexual Harassment


Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (P.O.S.H) Against Women


The Mahavidyalaya is committed to providing a safe working and academic environment to all girl students and its women employees. By effectively addressing complaints of sexual harassment and promoting awareness/sensitizing through seminars and webinars, the ICC contributes to creating a safer and more respectful workplace for all the employees, aligning with legal mandates and fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect. Continuous efforts to strengthen the ICC’s framework and processes will further enhance its effectiveness and the overall work environment at YSM. Besides, the Mahavidyalaya has 24x7 security guards deployed along with surveillance through CCTV cameras. Regularly we organise ‘Gender Sensitization’ expert talks, lectures, and seminars by eminent personalities.

Salient aspects of the YSM rules and regulations covering the prevention of sexual harassment against women are given in the succeeding paragraphs.

Salient Aspects

YSM provisions have been framed in accordance with the existing Law viz–The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 published vide Gazette of India Notification.

The Mahavidyalaya’s Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) under the above Act stands constituted. There is also an ICC Sub Committee for prevention, monitoring, and gender sensitization in accordance with Saksham Committee Report. This will be in addition to the ICC main Committee for complaint redressal as per the ICC Act of May 2013.


  • Prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women by promoting gender amity among students and employees.
  • Deal with cases in a time-bound manner as per provisions contained in the Government Act 2013, referred to above.
  • It will act to ensure support services to the victim complainant as also the cessation of harassment.
  • Examine and investigate all complaints of the YSM in accordance with detailed provisions laid down vide the above-mentioned Law.
  • Recommend appropriate punitive action against the guilty party.
  • All consultations and proceedings of ICC and the identity of the victim will be kept strictly confidential as far as possible. To recommend action against the complainant in case the complaint is found to be false or malicious or evidence tendered is found to be false.
  • The aforementioned law has conferred the ICC, with the powers of summoning/enforcing the attendance of witnesses, taking their deposition on oath, and production of such documents/evidence as may be required.



Mrs. Pragati Bakshi


Mrs. Mallika Kumari

Mr. Jayanta Mukhopadhyay

Ms. Ria Mukherjee

Prof (Dr.) U K Singh (NGO Representative)

Chairperson's Responsibilities

  • The composition of the Committee to deal with an incident has women members in majority as also other criteria like representation of NGO are met.
  • Proceedings are conducted in compliance with GOI notification dated 13 April 2013.
  • Additional members may be co-opted if required, with permission of Principal.


Sexual harassment means and includes the “unwelcome” sexually determined behaviour “whether directly or by implication” and also:

  • Demand or request for sexual favours;
  • Sexually coloured or double meaning or unsavoury remarks;
  • Showing pornography or other offensive or derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or sayings;
  • Other unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature / unwelcome connotations.
  • Eve teasing, jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment, innuendos, and taunts;
  • Gender based insults and taunts;
  • Unwelcome sexual overtones in any manner: such as over telephone/ mobile/ social media (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. (repeated missed calls, obnoxious calls or SMS /MSS messages/ circulation of pictures / posting of videos. Even keeping of someone else’s obscene picture in mobile/ computer / hard copy or any other device is prohibited.
  • Physical contact and advances, touching and brushing and brushing against any part of the body, including forcible physical touch or molestation of any kind;
  • Physical confinement against one’s will or any other act likely to violate one’s privacy.

Procedure for Filing a Complaint

  1. Filing a Complaint:Employees can file a complaint in writing within three months from the date of the incident. In exceptional circumstances, this period can be extended by another three months.
  2. Preliminary Enquiry: The ICC conducts a preliminary enquiry to ascertain the facts and gather initial evidence.
  3. Formal Investigation: A detailed investigation is carried out, including interviews with the complainant, the respondent, and any witnesses.
  4. Recommendations:Based on the findings, the ICC makes recommendations for actions to be taken, which may include counselling, warning, suspension, or termination of employment.
  5. Follow-Up: Ensuring that the recommendations are implemented and providing support to the complainant.

Contact Information

For any complaint regarding ICC, the aggrieved may contact the following as mentioned below:

Any person feeling aggrieved of such offence by any employee or student of the YSM may complaint in writing/ by mail to the members secretary, convector or chairperson of ICC/Principal/ Secretary or any member of the ICC. The confidential mail id for the purpose is as follows: