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Faculty Profile

Personal Information

Full Name   Ms. Saroj Kumari  
Designation   Assistant Professor  

Educational Details

SL No.   Name of Degree   Session   Board/University   University/College  
1   Ph.D Pursuing       Jharkhand Rai University   Jharkhand Rai University  
2   MCA      IGNOU   IGNOU  
3   MA(RD)      IGNOU   IGNOU  

Career Profile

SL No.   Name of Experience   Detail   Duration  
1   College of Life Science, Ranchi   Faculty member in Polytechnic, CA & IT   6 -Months   
2   Quark Software Ltd., Patna    Software Development as a trainee    12  
3   Faculty Member(teaching Programming) in JIIT Academy, Hinoo, Ranchi   Computer Science    6 -years  

Research Papers/Chapters Published

SL No.   Title of the paper with page number   ISSN   Name of Journal   Date of Publication  
1   Varied Classifier of Images for Feature Recognition: A Review   2583-2621    Shodh Manthan SBU Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering   2022-01-05 00:00:00.000000  
2   "Cognitive Impairment of Smart Devices & Human Face"   1548-7741    Journal of Information & Computational Science   2020-10-20 00:00:00.000000  
3   Role of IT in Women Empowerment    2395-0862   Lakshya Journal of Science & Management   2014-11-18 00:00:00.000000  
4   Fluctuation of Emotion in Stress and Different Coping Mechanisms During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Book Chapter   IGI Global   IGI Global   2024-02-09 00:00:00.000000  
5   A Brief Review on Different Image Segmentation Technique, 229-237   2583-4118   Journal of Sustainable Science and Transformative Research: Reviews & Letters    2024-07-08 00:00:00.000000  


SL No.   Seminar / Conference (Attended)   Date of Participation   National / International  
1   Bibliometric Analysis Using VOSviewer and R Studio   2024-02-22 00:00:00.000000   National  
2   FDP on ‘Innovative Inter-disciplinary Research & Publication Ethics’   2023-08-14 00:00:00.000000   International  
3   Professional Development Program on Implementation of NEP 2020 for University and College Teacher   2022-10-27 00:00:00.000000   International  
4   FDP on Mathematical Foundation of Machine Learning   2024-06-03 00:00:00.000000   International  

Other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/ consultancy and awards

SL No.   Details  
1   Member of Career Counselling, Training and Placement Cell  
2   Member of IQAC  
3   Member of Website Committee   
4   Excellence Award in Prerna Parv (YSM)