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Faculty Profile

Personal Information

Full Name   Dr. Indira Banerji  
Designation   Assistant Professor  

Educational Details

SL No.   Name of Degree   Session   Board/University   University/College  
1   MA   2000-2002   Ranchi    University Department of English Ranchi University   
2   PhD    2005-11   Ranchi    Ranchi   
3   PGCTE   2008   EFLU, Hyderabad    EFLU, Hyderabad   
4   NET   Dec.2003   Ranchi    Ranchi   

Career Profile

SL No.   Name of Experience   Detail   Duration  
1   Teaching undergraduate students English as Honours, Subsidiary, Elective,Major or Minor Subject    Linguistics,ELT and Comparative Literature    18Yrs 9months  

Research Guidance

SL No.   Name of Research Scholor   Registration No. and Date   Topic of Research Work   Present Status  
1   Ranjit Kullu   2014   Literature and Indian Cinema    Completed  
2   Yasmeen Galaria    2024   Poetic Techniques of A.K.Ramanujam   Completed  
3   Shikha Singh    2018   Zeitgeist in Contemporary Bestsellers    Ongoing  
4   Biswajit Das    2022   Ecocriticism in Indian English Poets of the Northeast    Ongoing  
5   Priya Shome   2022   Semiotics in Indian Cinema    Ongoing  
6   Ayushi Zina   2022   Mythology in Popular Fiction    Ongoing  
7   Rageshree Dasgupta    04.01.2022.   Aspects of Archetypes in Fantasy Fiction....   Ongoing  
8   Moumita Biswas    24.11.2022.   Violence Memories and New Identities...   Ongoing  
9   Sonu Kumar Mehta    04.07.2024.   Ecocritical Perspectives in Select Works....   Ongoing  

Book Authored

SL No.   Name of Book   Subject   Co Author   ISBN   Date of Publication   Name of Publisher  
1   Feminist Consciousness    Literary Theory    None    978-81-925101-1-8   2016-08-11   Bhasa   
2   Feminist Consciousness in the Works of Kamala Markandaya, Anita Desai, Mahasweta Devi and Ashapurna Devi    Comparative Criticism    None    978-81-925101-1-8   2016-08-12   Bhasa  
3   Towards a Definition of Indian Feminism    Literary Theory and Crticism   None   978-81-925101-2-5   2016-08-20   Bhasa  

Research Papers/Chapters Published

SL No.   Title of the paper with page number   ISSN   Name of Journal   Date of Publication  
1   Kamala Markandaya; pp.93-6   2321-2691   Abhidhyan    2017-06-16 00:00:00.000000  


SL No.   Seminar / Conference (Attended)   Date of Participation   National / International  
1   Capacity Building For Women Managers in HE SAM Workshop    2011-01-15 00:00:00.000000   Orientation/FDP  
2   NAAC Sponsored National Workshop on Enhancing Quality in HEI'S    2016-05-01 00:00:00.000000   Orientation/FDP  

Other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/ consultancy and awards

SL No.   Details  
1   Achiever of N.Jayshree Award(for highest marks in English), Samirendra Nath Burse Memorial Shield (for being the most deserving student of the entire session), Gold Medalist of the batch 2000-2, in M.