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Faculty Profile

Personal Information

Full Name   Dr. D. Jha Sudhir  
Designation   Associate Professor  

Educational Details

SL No.   Name of Degree   Session   Board/University   University/College  
1   Ph.D on Sanskrit Literature    2005   Ranchi University   Ranchi University  

Career Profile

SL No.   Name of Experience   Detail   Duration  
1   Teaching Experience   Kabya, Dramas, Grammer and History of Sanskrit Literature.   About 41 Years  

Other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/ consultancy and awards

SL No.   Details  
1   Co-Ordinator for Simple Sanskrit Speaking Centre, YSM Ranchi  
2   Appointment Member of the Editorial Board of College Magazine on 01.02.2001  
3   Appointed as Assistant Centre Superintendent on 26.08.2006  
4   Appointed as Controller of Examination on 24.03.2007  
5   Member of Budget Committee 2010-2011  
6   Acting Principal from 05.06.2010 to 09.06.2010  
7   Temporary Centre in Charge for IGNOU Examination 05.06.2010 to 09.06.2010  
8   Member of the Planning and Development Committee from 2010-2011  
9   Advisory committee member of the Centre for Vocational Studies from 2010-2011  
10   Member, Editorial Board 2010-2012  
11   Convener of Literary Society - Present  
12   Controller of Examination 2017-2021  
13   Chairman of Library Advisory Committee- Present  
14   Prof.-in-Charge of the Department of Life Skills - Present