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Faculty Profile

Personal Information

Full Name   Sri Shekhar Suman  
Designation   Assistant Professor  

Educational Details

SL No.   Name of Degree   Session   Board/University   University/College  
1   M.Sc. Mathematics   2015-17   IIT Delhi   IIT Delhi  

Career Profile

SL No.   Name of Experience   Detail   Duration  
1   YSM Ranchi   Number Theory   2  

Research Papers/Chapters Published

SL No.   Title of the paper with page number   ISSN   Name of Journal   Date of Publication  
1   A note on equivalent of the Riemann Hypothesis   0000   IJPAM   2022-12-21 00:00:00.000000  
2   A series equivalent of the Riemann Hypothesis   0000   JRSMS   2023-01-16 00:00:00.000000  


SL No.   Seminar / Conference (Attended)   Date of Participation   National / International  
1   3   2024-01-16 00:00:00.000000   National  

Other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/ consultancy and awards

SL No.   Details  
1   NBHM M.Sc. Scholarship 2016