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Faculty Profile

Personal Information

Full Name   Dr. N.N. Choudhary  
Designation   Associate Professor  

Educational Details

SL No.   Name of Degree   Session   Board/University   University/College  
1   B. Sc. (Chemistry Hons)   1978 - 1980   Ranchi University   Ranchi College  
2   M. Sc. ( Inorganic Special)   1980 -1982   Ranchi University   Ranchi University  
3   Ph. D.   2nd June 1998   Ranchi University   Ranchi University  

Career Profile

SL No.   Name of Experience   Detail   Duration  
1   Teacher    Physical , Inorganic and organic    39 years  

Research Papers/Chapters Published

SL No.   Title of the paper with page number   ISSN   Name of Journal   Date of Publication  
1   Electrochemical Graft copolymerization from mulberry Silk with Acrylonitrile 351-353 with mulburryion    09700838, 09738622   Polymer Mater, Oxford & IBH Publishing House   1996-12-15 00:00:00.000000  

Other academic, administrative and socially relevant contributions/ consultancy and awards

SL No.   Details  
1   1. orientation from 22 March to 17 April1983 in Ranchi University, "General" topic.  
2   2. 1st Refresher from 7th January to 27th January1999 in Ranchi university, Topic-" Recent advances in Chemistry"  
3   3. 2nd Refresher from 1st August to 21st August 2001, in Ranchi University, Topic " Recent Advances & Mechanistic Studies"