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YSM Online Admission-2024 Degree (Vocational-BBA/BCA/BSc-IT)

Apply Now

  Important !   Check Admission Status before apply

Dear Applicant, Read all the instructions (like seat availability, cutoff marks etc) carefully before applying. Once applied, you are not able to change your applied courses and application form.

एडमिशन के लिए अप्लाई करने से पहले अच्छी तरह से सारे निर्देशों (सीट, कट ऑफ मार्क्स इत्यादि) को पढ़ लें। किसी भी तरह के गलत विषय के चुनाव करने के बाद वो वापस नही किया जाएगा।

Query related to login details, mail your issue to



Online Form Steps

Step-1: Registration

Step-2: Fill Basic Information

Step-3: Pay Application Form Fee Online

Step-4: Fill Personal Details

Step-5: Fill Course Details

Step-6: Fill Academic Details

Step-7: Upload Photograph and Documents

Step-8: Review and Submit

Step-9: Form Approval : By Office

Step-10: Print Payment Receipt

Step-11: Print Admission Confirmation Card

What should I do?

#1. if Payment failed and money deduct

#2. Form is on hold

#3. I dont have migration

#4. I dont have cast certificate

#5. Problem in filling form

#8. Forget user id and password both

#7. form not approved for long time

#8. i want to transfer in other course/stream

हिंदी में पढ़ें

Admission Status
SL No.Admission Year Faculty/Stream Admission Open/Close Admission Close Msg. Seat Full Msg. Admission Warning Msg Course Class
1 2024 Commerce(M.Com.)  Closed   Master of Commerce Post Graduate (M.Com)
2 2024 B.B.A.  Closed   Seat full. Date: 04-09-2024 Bachelor of Business Administration Degree-(Vocational-BCA/BSc-IT/BBA)
3 2024 B.Sc.-Computer Application  Closed   Date 15-07-2024, Seats Not available. Students who have submitted the form must complete their admission process within the stipulated time. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of your application. Bachelor of Computer Applications Degree-(Vocational-BCA/BSc-IT/BBA)
4 2024 B.Sc.IT  Closed   Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Degree-(Vocational-BCA/BSc-IT/BBA)
5 2024 B.Com.-Computer Application  Closed   Date 15-07-2024, Seats Not available. Students who have submitted the form must complete their admission process within the stipulated time. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of your application. Bachelor of Computer Applications Degree-(Vocational-BCA/BSc-IT/BBA)


Class SC/ST/OBC/Girl Students of Yogoda School, YSM and Yogodans Lesson Members (Boys & Girls both) General outsider students
Degree Semester-I (Minimum Cut off marks)

Note: The Candidate must acquire minimum 45% in that particular subject applied for honours paper and the aggregate percentage must be according to the cutoff list.
Example: If anyone wants to take history as an honours paper, the applicant must score 45% in history in 12th exam.

BCA/ BSc IT/ BBA Semester I (Cut off marks)
BCA/ BSc IT/ BBA 55% 55% 60%
1. Bsc.IT : Requires science(Math) in 12th/Intermediate.
2. BCA : Requires commerce/science in 12th/Intermediate.
3. BBA : Requires arts/commerce/science in 12th/Intermediate.
4. The Candidate must acquire minimum 45% in that perticular subject applied for honours paper and the aggregate percentage must be according to the cutoff list.

Fee Structure for all Courses
Courses Application Fee Course Fee Installment Payment
BBA Rs.600 /year Rs.14,630 /semester Two installment /semester
BCA Rs.600 /year Rs.14,630 /semester Two installment /semester
B.Sc.IT Rs.600 /year Rs.14,630 /semester Two installment /semester
+ 2.5% online convenience charge applicable for all type of payment
Admission policy

• Admission to any of the programmes at the Mahavidyalaya will be done only in Online mode through the Mahavidyalaya’s website “”

• A student may apply for more than one programme but will have to apply separately for each programme.

• Applicants will have to register themselves on the admission portal of the College on payment of the requisite registration fee and thereafter apply online for a particular programme.

• The candidates need to follow the instructions given in the application form and upload recent photograph, copies of all relevant documents such as mark sheet, admit card, caste certificate, income certificate, etc.

• Admission shall be given strictly on the basis of merit.

• Students (or wards of parents) having faith in the aims and ideals of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India will be given preference in admissions

• A relaxation of 5 % marks will be given to the SC, ST, EWS and female candidates while preparation of the merit list of candidates selected for admission.

• A relaxation of 5 % marks will be given to NCC/Scout and Guide candidates or outstanding achievers in sports, art, culture, etc.

• The relaxation as mentioned above will strictly be restricted to only any one of the categories.

• The applicants for degree/ post-graduation level courses mandatorily need to fill in the UGC anti-ragging declaration form and provide the registration number provided by UGC before submission of their application form.

• The students are mandatorily required to read and agree to the rules and regulations of the Mahavidyalaya before submitting their application for any particular programme/s.

• It will be the duty of the applying students to check the Mahavidyalaya’s website for publication of admission list. Any communication in regard to change in the date of publication of admission list will be communicated exclusively on the Mahavidyalaya’s website.

• Students selected for admission will have to complete the admission process after payment of requisite fee strictly by the last date mentioned in the concerned admission list. After this last date, their selection for admission will stand null and void and the seat shall be allotted to some other student in waiting.

• The Mahavidyalaya may publish one or more admission list/s depending on the availability of seats.

• The Mahavidyalaya reserves the right to reject any application form/admission at any stage without giving any prior notice to the candidate concerned or anyone else for that matter.

• All communications regarding classes, examinations, etc. will be done through the Mahavidyalaya’s website. It will be the duty of admitted students to religiously keep checking the Mahavidyalaya’s website and to abide by all instructions given from time to time.

• The mobile phone number and e-mail id provided by the students may also be used from time to time for the purpose of important communication. The students must ensure that s/he has access to these during her/his entire study period in the College. Any change in these must immediately be informed to the IT cell of the College and the HoD of the concerned department.

How To Apply

See in video how to apply for Online Admission

Step No Step Name Step Details
1 Register

This is the first stage where your admission starts, in this step you have to register yourself.
The registration form mainly contains the user-id, mobile number and password of the candidates. After successful submission of the data, user-id and password will be generated which the candidates must save. It will be used to complete the remaining steps of the Application Form and for future correspondence. The user id and password will be automatically sent to your email id after completion of the 2nd step (basic detail).

If you are already registered, go to login section and follow the next steps.

VERY IMORTANT : Here you have selected your class like Intermediate, Degree, Degree (CVS) and PG (MCOM), which defines your class type and once you have selected an application form for a particular class type, you are applicable for that class only.
Example: If your class type is intermediate, you cannot fill application form for other class like Degree, Degree(CVS) and PG (MCOM).

2 Fill Basic Informations

The candidate should supply all the basic information. After successful submission of the data, candidate will go for the next step.

3 Pay Application Fee

Candidate will pay application form fee by Debit/Credit Card/UPI/Net Banking of any bank. After completion of the successful transaction, (the candidate must note down the transaction number and payment id) a receipt will be generated. The candidate must download and save the payment receipt for future communication and then go for the next step.

4 Fill Personal Details

In this step candidates will fill their personal details. The application form mainly consists of general personal details. The candidate can edit it before a final submission. After the successful submission of the data, the candidate will go for the next step.

5 Select Course for apply

In this step the candidate will select their desired course, honours / stream and subjects under respective form class type like Intermediate, Degree, Degree (CVS)/ PG (MCOM).

6 Fill Academic Details

In this step, the candidates will fill their academic details from 10th to the highest. The total marks obtained and percentage should be correct as per their result. In case of wrong academic details or below the cutoff marks the application form will be withheld or rejected.

7 Upload scanned image/documents

In this step the candidates will upload their scanned image/documents as required in the application form.

• If the candidates don’t have their migration certificate at the time of applying, they will select the declaration regarding migration certificate.
• If the candidate belongs to the particular caste category other than general, they will have to upload their caste certificate. The caste certificate is not required for general category.


1. 10th marksheet file type - pdf

2. 10th admit card file type - pdf

3. 12th marksheet (for Degree, Degree(CVS) and MCOM class only) file type - pdf

4. 12th admit card (for Degree, Degree(CVS) and MCOM class only) file type - pdf

5. Graduation marksheet (for MCOM class only) file type - pdf

6. Graduation admit card (for MCOM class only) file type - pdf

7. Aadhar Id file type - pdf

8. Cast Cetificate (only for other than general caste category) file type - pdf

9. Last academic migration certificate (Last academic migration certificate (not required, if opted the migration submission declaration) file type - pdf

10. Applicant’s Latest Photo file type - jpg/png | Best image Size: Height - 150px, width - 120px Less than 50Kb

11. Applicant’s Signature file type - jpg/png | Best image Size: Height - 50px, width - 120px Less than 20Kb

12. Parents’/Guardian's Signature file type - jpg/png | Best image Size: Height - 50px, width - 120px Less than 20Kb

Note :
• The scanned documents should be in pdf format only. Size of the file must not exceed 75 kb and other documents must not exceed 150 kb.

8 Review and Submit

The candidate will review and finally submit their application form.

VERY IMORTANT : After this step, no changes will be accepted online/offline mode and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

9 Form Approval

The candidate will wait for a certain period of time as per the college notification and after approval of the Application Form, the candidate will be able to pay their course fee.


• Online Payment : Payment can be made through Debit Card / Credit card / UPI / Internet Banking.

• Once Online Payment is successful you are eligible to print payment receipt and admit card.

• If your payment is failed for any reason and fee amount is deducted from your account, don't take another attempt to pay again, immediately mail your failed payment details at

• If your payment is failed for any reason and amount is not deducted from your account, make another payment for online application form.

• In case of double payment, mail with full details at

• Do not pay online fee directly through NEFT or RTGS

• Once the application fee is paid, no refund can be claimed for any reason whatsoever.

• Read the online payment terms & conditions carefully

11 Admission Complete

• Print payment receipt and confirmation card for your record and future reference

• All Steps are mandatory, On-line application submission will be considered as complete only after payment receipt of final submission.

• All Steps are mandatory, On-line application submission will be considered as complete only after payment receipt of final submission..

• Do not attempt filling up the form before the publication of your respective board / council results otherwise your application form will be cancelled.

What should I do?
Sl No. Question Answer
1 if Payment failed and money deducted

If your payment is failed for any reason and fee amount is deducted from your account, do not take another attempt to pay again, immediately mail your failed payment details on After the transaction verification the payment will be refunded in the next 7 working days.

यदि आपका भुगतान किसी भी कारण से विफल हो जाता है और आपके बैंक खाता से राशि कट जाती है तो फिर से शुल्क भुगतान की कोशिश न करें, तुरंत अपने विफल भुगतान विवरण पर मेल करें। आपका ईमेल मिलने और शिकायत के सत्यापन के बाद भुगतान की गई राशि अगले 7 कार्य दिवसों के भीतर वापस कर दी जाएगी।

2 Form is on hold

If your application form status is On-hold position, it means there are some mistakes/errors or wrong information. Now, you need to login to your admission account and correct your application form as per the given instructions.

Note: Instructions will be mentioned inside the top of your application form.

3 I dont have migration

If you do not have your migration certificate then check the declaration of migration submission "I declare that I will submit my migration certificate to Yogoda Satsanga Mahavidyalaya, Ranchi, whenever demanded by the mahavidyalaya" and save in admission form step "Upload Document" and save it. By this, you insure that you will submit your original migration certificate whenever required.

4 I dont have cast certificate If you don’t have a caste certificate and you are in the SC/ST/OBC caste category then you must submit at least acknowledgement document at the time of applying. And after the completion of your admission, at the time of physical verification, you will be required to submit your caste certificate for any available benefits/relaxation otherwise your application form will be rejected.
5 Problem in filling form

Watch our video “How to fill the application form?” Link :
Email your issues to with your user id and active mobile number.

6 Forget user id and password both

Use Forgot password option which is available at the bottom side of login panel.
Email your issues with your details on for the recovery of your login credentials.

7 form not approved for long time

Login to your admission account and check the status of your application form, if still your issues are not resolved, e-mail your issues to with user id and active mobile number.

8 I want to transfer in other course/stream

Only stream or honours subjects can be changed on the basis of the candidate’s previous educational qualification and availability of the seats till date, which will finally require the principal’s approval.
The class type will not be changed in any case. Email your issues to with your user id and active mobile number.


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