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Department of Sanskrit

About Department

he Department of Sanskrit does not offer Honours program. Yet it is a center of attraction. Almost all Indian languages, as well as a significant number of South Asian and Southeast Asian languages, have their roots in Sanskrit. What is more, Sanskrit has several phonetic, grammatical, and even scriptural similarities with archaic European languages like Greek and Latin. Thus, numerous words in the languages derived from these, such as English, French, Spanish, etc. also demonstrate parallels with Sanskrit. According to many scholars, an expert in Sanskrit can understand and master every other language easily. Learning Sanskrit will assist in comprehending ancient Indian scriptures and texts. Ancient India produced many of the world's greatest writers, authors, scientists, astronomers, mathematicians, historians, health practitioners, philosophers, and other great minds. Since Sanskrit was the official language of the land at the time, their pioneering ideas were compiled in this language. Unfortunately, only a small portion of these have been deciphered to date due to an insufficient number of Sanskrit scholars. Worse still, some of these scriptures have been incorrectly translated or even twisted. Study of Sanskrit enables a student to grow up learning about the vast inventions and wisdom of the land by understanding these themselves. In particular, students of Political Science, Philosophy and Economics, Science and Mathematics get many benefits as our ancient knowledge is preserved in Sanskrit. The department offers General Elective (GE) courses in the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) curriculum, as well as an Introductory Regular Course (IRC)

Faculty of Sanskrit Department

Faculty Profile